Oink-Oink: Low Carb Pork Dishes

Amakhowe Mushrooms – A Local Gem Delight!

My fellow book club friend gave me some mushrooms that she had growing in her garden – wild amakhowe mushrooms.

Amakhowe mushrooms

At first I was a bit skeptical to try them – after all, everyone knows not to just eat any old mushroom growing wild…

I did a bit of research after she mentioned their name, and found them mentioned in a fab recipe book I have {East Coast Tables}.

These mushrooms grow wild in the Transkei {and in Joburg!} after the first rains of the season and the locals all grow up eating these. They’re large, fleshy and firm mushrooms – perfect for vegetarians too! They taste a bit like chicken – yum!

Right, so I decided on a rustic mushroom sauce to accompany my pork chops I was making.
I cooked these mushrooms {sliced} in butter, olive oil and garlic in a large skillet over open coals {as they cook better on a high heat and won’t become mushy}.

Amakhowe mushrooms

As soon as they were nice and golden and crispy, I removed them from the heat and used the same pan for the pork chops. The pork chops were rubbed with olive oil, garlic, salt and lemon juice before going in the pan. I cooked them until golden.

Amakhowe mushrooms

I added the mushrooms to the pork chops in the pan to quickly reheat everything and just added a splash of cream to create a bit of a sauce. This is not a very creamy liquid sauce – you just want the cream to tie everything together nicely. Season with salt & pepper.

Amakhowe mushrooms

Enjoy with a salad and of course a nice glass of vino! X

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