Low Carb Rainbow Jellies are such a fun Summer treat. Not only for kids – these are super yummy for grownups too!
I love making these Low Carb Rainbow Jellies with different flavours every time…
You can layer them like I’ve done in these pics, or prepare each coloured layer separately, cut into cubes and arrange them in a dish.
Pour over the panna cotta jelly mix and then you have a beautiful ‘jewel’ effect…
Anyways, whichever way you make these, they’re a fun little sweet treat reminiscent of childhood days. They’re also very low in carbs and calories – did I mention this..?

Low Carb Rainbow Jellies
Yummy, sugar-free Low Carb Rainbow Jellies. The perfect light Summery dessert.
- 1 sachet Simply Delish Zero Jelly - Strawberry
- 1 sachet Simply Delish Zero Jelly - Lime
- 300 ml fresh cream
- 1 tbsp. gelatine powder
- 1 tbsp. cold water
- 1 tbsp. xylitol
- 5 ml vanilla extract
Follow the instructions on the lime jelly packet. Pour into 14 moulds or ramekins and allow to set.
Once these have set, prepare the panna cotta jelly mix.
Heat the cream and xylitol, until the xylitol has dissolved.
Add the vanilla essence. -
'Bloom' the gelatine by adding a tablespoon of water and let it dissolve.
Melt the gelatine over a pot of hot water, then add to the warm cream and stir until mixed.
Allow the panna cotta mixture to cool, then pour into the moulds with the lime jelly.
Allow to set.
Lastly, prepare the strawberry jelly as instructed on the packet, then pour into the moulds onto the other 2 layers.
Allow to set, then turn out and enjoy.
Such an easy Summer dessert, and you can really enjoy these without any guilty feelings!
Sure, there are some unnatural ingredients in the sugar-free jellies, but it’s not like you’ll have these in bulk everyday… So go ahead, make them and enjoy!
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