Dessert: Low Carb Treats

Luscious Lemon Low Carb Lollies

There’s nothing quite like an ice cold, tangy lolly to beat the heat!
And I do mean tangy, with sharp lemon flavours all wrapped up in a creamy, smooth popsicle. That’s what makes these Luscious Lemon Low Carb Lollies so utterly delicious…

Lemon Low Carb Lollies


You’ll need to make a batch of low carb lemon curd for these frozen lollies – in fact, make a double batch, because this is a winner for summer desserts!

Servings: 12 lollies
Time: 20 mins + freezing time
Difficulty: easy

You will need:
For the ice cream base:
1 cup fresh cream
3/4 cup coconut cream
1 cup double cream Greek-style yoghurt
1/4 cup xylitol

For the lemon curd: 
1 batch of low carb lemon curd

Whip the cream until stiff, then add xylitol, yoghurt and coconut cream and whip until smooth.

Stir the cooled lemon curd into the ice cream base, pour into lolly moulds and freeze overnight.

How easy was that?!?

I love how easy these lemon low carb lollies are to make – in fact, you can play around with adding different flavours to the base.

You could freeze it in a large container too if you prefer to scoop your ice cream.
It delivers a really soft, smooth ice cream that’s easy to scoop and won’t crystalize.
It’s also great with the lemon curd swirled into the base as a scoop-able ice cream…

There’s honestly no reason why we can’t enjoy frozen treats when following a low carb lifestyle – these cream-based lollies and ice creams are the perfect LCHF treat to make, as you really just have to substitute the sweetener.
You could even leave it out altogether, depending on which flavours you’re making.

The kids love these too and a cool treat is always welcome on hot Summer days!

What’s your favourite LCHF frozen treat? Do you have a special recipe to share?
Let me know – it might be featured in an upcoming newsletter!


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