Hello and happy Monday!
Today’s recipe is not a #meatfreemonday one…
Don’t you just feel that a weekend is just too short? Even when you’re a stay-at-home-mom and don’t really get weekends off, the weekends are still precious. They just have a whole other vibe – plus, you get to spend it together as a family – whether you work in the garden, watch TV, visit friends, hit the malls, whatever.
So yes, I always feel a weekend is too short and that Mondays are for getting back into your week-routine.
My husband always jokes when Carte Blanche comes on, on a Sunday:
‘Hi, I’m Derek Watts, and your weekend is OVER…’ ;)
Mondays need comfort food – doesn’t matter whether it’s Summer, Winter or whether you’re in Joburg or Texas… Mondays are ‘recovery’ days!
Here’s an easy and comforting dish – perfect for a Monday:
Smokey Pork Sausages with Creamy Cauli-mash and a hearty Tomato Salsa
You will need:
1 onion, diced
1 cup of cherry/cocktail tomatoes, cut in half [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0_rD27FO_Q&w=560&h=315]
1 tin of cherry tomatoes
2 medium aubergines
1 Tsp Peppadew spice
2 Bird’s eye chilies, slit open length-wise
2 Cloves of garlic, finely chopped
1 Tbs water, to rinse the tomato can and add a little extra moisture
Smokey pork sausages, cooked {you can use any grain-free smoked sausage – just beware of the sugar content. Mine were made up specially by the butcher, using warthog meat}
1 Large head of cauliflower, cooked
1 Tbs butter
Salt & pepper to taste
Olive oil
The easiest is to start by making your cauli-mash. Blitz the cooked cauliflower with a stick blender until smooth. Season with salt & white pepper and add the butter.
Next, heat a good glug of olive oil in a large pot and saute the onions.
Add the aubergine, garlic, chili and Peppadew spice.
Let this saute until you’re about halfway cooked and slightly browned.
Add the tomatoes and the can of tomatoes and water.
Let it simmer away on a very low heat until it is cooked. {About 15 minutes}
Serve the mash with your smokey sausages and a generous helping of the tomato salsa.
You should be able to make it through Monday night with this one – bring on Tuesday!!! {You might just need the help of a little teensy block of Lindt 90%… Just sayin’…}