So, it’s not exactly that new anymore, but have you ever tried a skillet cookie?
It’s totally delish!
With melting chocolate chunks, crunchy macadamia nuts and generous dollops of mascarpone, this LCHF skillet cookie is real indulgence – made for sharing! Just tuck in with some spoons…
You know, this could even pass for breakfast..! Seriously.
Skip the mascarpone and opt for thick Greek-style yoghurt, like the Gourmet Greek one, and voila, you have a Skillet Cookie Breakfast Bowl.
Seeing as it’s Easter weekend and a long-weekend, with overcast weather here in Jozi, I think I might just hibernate, watch movies and indulge in a skillet cookie!
I’m all about food-sharing, I love little bowls of eats that we can all share and dig into. My favourite food-scene is a huge feast table, laden with a variety of dishes that can be eaten with your hands or just a fork from its dish.
These skillet cookies tick that box for me!
Servings: 6-8
Time: 40 minutes
Difficulty: super easy
You will need:
1 cup almond flour
1/2 cup ground sunflower seeds
1/2 cup ground flax seeds
1/4 cup ground xylitol
1/2 cup melted butter
1 egg
1/2 cup low carb granola {any kind – I used Woolies’ Carb Clever granola – and it’s optional}
1/2 cup coarsely chopped toasted macadamia nuts
40 g dark chocolate chunks {85%}
mascarpone cheese / double cream Greek-style yoghurt to serve
This is my favourite type of recipe – you simply mix everything together!
So, mix together and divide it between 2 small, greased, cast iron skillets – or you could just use 1 medium-sized.
Bake at 180C for 25-35 minutes.
Serve warm with generous dollops of mascarpone or yoghurt.
Even though it’s sugar-free and low carb, just remember that it still contains heaps of seeds and nuts. It’s a very calorie-rich dessert and still has a bit of carbs from all the nuts. Hence, keep your portion small, as indicated and don’t be tempted to scoff the entire thing!
Trust me, you’ll want to though…
Have a happy Easter and give all the normal chocolate and sugar a miss!