Dessert: Low Carb Treats

Coconut Ice Cream Kisses

Ice cream has got to be my all-time favourite treat and these coconut ice cream kisses are perfectly soft and smooth, it just melts in your mouth.

It can also be used as a base for pretty much any low carb ice cream flavour.

Coconut Ice Cream Kisses {Ice Cream, LCHF, Banting}

A rich custard base with cream and coconut cream makes this ice cream ultra smooth and prevents it from getting too icy and hard.

I used small cake-pop moulds for the kisses, lined with dark chocolate, but on hindsight I probably would’ve been better off just swirling in some melted chocolate or stirring in finely chopped dark chocolate…
Anyhoo – the result was delicious!

Coconut Ice Cream Kisses {Ice Cream, LCHF, Banting}

[recipe title=”Coconut Ice Cream” servings=”4-6″ time=”20mins + freezing time” difficulty=”easy”]

You will need:

2 egg yolks
2 whole eggs
1/2 cup xylitol
1 cup cream
1 cup coconut cream

Place the eggs, yolks and xylitol in a glass bowl atop a pot of simmering water and whisk using an electrical mixer.
Whisk for about 4-5 minutes until the mixture becomes thick and pale in colour, almost doubling in volume.

Remove from the pot of water and continue to whisk, brining it back to room temp. The mixture should be quite thick by now.

In a separate bowl, whip the cream until soft peaks form.

Fold the egg mixture and coconut cream into the whipped cream until well-incorporated.

This is your basic recipe – from here you can add toasted desiccated coconut, choc chips, whatever you want {low carb of course}.
You can just pour it straight into a suitable container to freeze, or pour into moulds / ice cream pop containers.

I lined my moulds with melted 70% dark chocolate, place it in the freezer to set, then poured in the ice cream mix and topped it with more melted chocolate.

The great thing about this coconut ice cream, is that you don’t even need to churn it – just stick it into the freezer and enjoy once it’s set!

It’s like a fat bomb, loaded with good fats, but just beware all the calories ;)

Some more ice cream recipes you might like:

Chai Latte Custard Ice Cream {LCHF, Sugar-Free} - Square

Eggnog ice cream {Egg nog ice cream}

Which is your favourite?


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